Dr.Web AntiVirus


Dr.Web anti-virus for Windows
  • Anti-virus – best active infection curing
  • Anti-rootkit – reliable protection against malicious programs featuring rootkit technologies
  • Anti-spyware – security of your personal information – best of breed detection of Trojans and key loggers
Cures viruses
High detection rate and speed of scanning are not the only criteria that determine the quality of an anti-virus. It should also be capable of curing files – restoring them to their original state instead of deletion making sure that a user doesn’t lose important information.

The capability to operate in an infected system and exceptional resistance to viruses make Dr.Web a stand-out among anti-virus applications.
  • Improved! Dr.Web has the industry-highest successful rate of curing active infections.
  • Improved! Unique technologies for scan of processes in the memory and excellent curing capabilities allow installing Dr.Web onto the infected system without its preliminary curing.
  • High probability of a successful launch of the scanning process in an infected system without an installation using a removable media.
Protection Components:
  • High-performance Dr.Web scanner scans boot sectors, RAM, hard and removable drives, detects and disarms viruses, Trojans and malware of any other type.
  • Enhanced by Dr.Web Shield™ it also detects all known rootkits and stealth-viruses.
Protection of e-mail
E-mail remains one the most efficient ways to deliver malware to a computer. SpIDer Mail® will protect your system against cyber-evil and will scan mail traffic “on the fly” to make sure you get only clean messages free of malicious code or infected attachments.

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  • SpIDer Mail doesn’t depend on an e-mail client and won’t delay receipt of e-mail.
  • It supports SMTP/POP3/NNTP/IMAP4 mail protocols
  • Individual rules can be created for different types of malicious programs – viruses, riskware, adware, hack tools, paid dialers and jokers.
  • The Virus activity control feature protects a system against mass mailings performed by mail worms. SpIDer Mail examines components of a message and considers sending time in order to determine if an outgoing message is a part of malicious activities in a system.
Low system requirements
Dr.Web anti-virus for Windows has very low system requirements and runs smoothly even on low-end hardware. Perhaps you’ve got a laptop? Then Dr.Web is your only choice!

Compact and user-friendly
Virus making and other Internet crimes are well-organized businesses. Updating of virus databases is essential for protection against such threats. Constant monitoring and lots of customers worldwide ensure prompt collection of information on dangerous web-resources and retrieval of latest samples of viruses that help keep protection of users up-to-date.

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  • Software can be set to update automatically, on-demand or according to a schedule.
  • Update files are downloaded very quickly even if a connection speed is low.
  • There are always available update servers.
  • No need to restart a computer after updating. Dr.Web starts using the latest virus definitions right away.
Supported OS: MS Windows Vista/XP/2000/ME/NT/98/95 (32-bit only)


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