Drive Power Manager 1.10

Drive Power Manager 1.10

Drive Power Manager is a utility to change the power management and performance settings of hard disks and CD/DVD/BD drives.

It offers detailed settings to save power, reduce noise or increase performance.
Drives can be put in standby immediately by simply pressing a button.

The power management settings are sent directly to the drive and are independant of the operating systems settings.

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Usage examples:

Power saving laptops: if you're on the move you want to be able to use the laptop as long as possible. Setting the power management settings to the maximum power save mode will help you achieve this.

Low-noise PC: hard drives and especially CD/DVD/BD drives can be very noisy. By reducing the speed the noise coming from these drives can be reduced significantly.

Maximum performance PC: if you need maximum performance you can reduce the power management settings or disable them entirely. There are also some settings to increase the speed.

Shut down external drive: by putting an external drive in standby it will consume hardly no power and it will be noise-free without having to physically disconnect it. Data will be available within seconds when needed.


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