Lynda: Flash CS3 Professional Essential Training

Lynda: Flash CS3 Professional Essential Training

Flash CS3 Professional Essential Training
with: Rich Shupe
Running Time: 8:01 (hrs:min)

In Flash CS3 Professional Essential Training, instructor Rich Shupe delves into the key aspects of working with Flash CS3 to create professional animations, design interactive websites, and incorporate audio and video into self-contained presentations. The training covers using the drawing and color tools, mastering the essentials of animation, and working with type, graphics, sound, and video. Rich also introduces the essentials of working with ActionScript 3.0. Exercise files accompany the tutorials.

Table of contents

Welcome 01:22 2.1 MB
Using the exercise files and cross-referencing 03:50 6.6 MB

2. Getting Started
Creating a new document 03:34 4.4 MB
The default workspace 01:45 2.0 MB
Customizing your workspace 05:28 6.6 MB
Reorganizing panels 03:52 4.8 MB
Saving workspaces 01:50 2.4 MB
Document tabs 02:25 3.3 MB
Maximize mode 01:26 1.9 MB
Finding help 02:50 3.8 MB

3. Drawing Essentials
Drawing tool basics 01:09 1.3 MB
Drawing with the Pencil and Line tools 04:49 5.7 MB
The improved Pen tool 05:38 6.7 MB
The Quick Color tools 01:10 1.4 MB
Drawing with shapes 04:01 4.9 MB
Selecting content 02:19 2.8 MB
Manipulating lines and fills 06:04 7.6 MB
Painting with brushes 02:38 3.3 MB
Erasing content 02:29 3.1 MB
Understanding drawing modes 04:07 5.1 MB

4. Color Essentials
Using the Color Mixer 06:38 8.0 MB
The Gradient Transform tool 03:13 4.1 MB
Color swatches 06:12 8.0 MB

5. Symbols Essentials
Symbols overview 07:23 9.6 MB
Creating and editing symbols 02:41 3.6 MB
Nesting and breaking apart symbols 06:06 8.1 MB
Working with buttons 10:59 14.7 MB
Working with movie clips 04:25 5.8 MB
Working with graphics 05:08 6.7 MB
Using the Library 03:29 4.5 MB
Transformation tools 05:15 6.6 MB
Transformation panels 06:41 8.2 MB
Transformation menus 05:33 7.2 MB

6. Timeline Essentials
Using layers 11:13 13.8 MB
Adding, deleting, and grouping layers 03:35 4.4 MB
What is a keyframe? 04:31 5.5 MB
Using frames and keyframes 06:30 8.0 MB
Working with multiple frames 07:00 8.9 MB
Copying and pasting frames 02:45 3.7 MB
Understanding scenes 02:57 3.6 MB

7. Testing and Publishing Your Files
Understanding document settings 02:05 2.7 MB
Testing buttons and movie clips 01:24 1.8 MB
Testing your movie 01:59 2.6 MB
Publishing your movie 05:49 7.6 MB

8. Image Essentials
Vector vs. bitmap 03:58 4.8 MB
Importing images and image compression 08:26 11.4 MB
Importing Photoshop files 05:40 7.2 MB
Importing Illustrator files 04:12 5.1 MB
Tracing bitmaps 07:20 9.9 MB
Breaking apart bitmaps 04:11 5.5 MB

9. Animation Essentials
Shape tweening 10:58 14.7 MB
Using shape hints 02:23 2.9 MB
Tweening gradients 03:44 4.9 MB
Motion tweening 11:54 16.3 MB
Copy and Paste Motion 02:46 3.9 MB
Motion guides 04:02 5.1 MB
Custom easing 07:23 10.1 MB

10. Text Essentials
Understanding text types 06:00 7.4 MB
Controlling text appearance 06:39 8.4 MB
Simple text effects through tweening 05:46 7.0 MB
Adding text to a project file 19:11 27.0 MB
Spell-checking and Find and Replace 03:37 4.7 MB

11. Using Filters and Blend Modes
Using filters 04:05 5.0 MB
Special filter options 07:57 11.2 MB
Animating filters 08:08 10.9 MB
Adding filters to a project file 03:34 5.0 MB
Using blend modes 03:11 4.1 MB
Flash-specific blend modes 06:55 9.1 MB

12. Using Components
Components overview 04:35 5.8 MB
Adding a UIScrollBar component 04:16 5.7 MB
Using a Loader component 08:12 11.7 MB

13. Sound Essentials
Adding sound to the timeline 04:14 5.2 MB
Adding basic effects to sounds 04:43 6.0 MB
Sound sync options 08:59 10.9 MB
Adding sound to buttons 04:47 7.0 MB
Sound compression basics 02:23 3.1 MB

14. Video Essentials
Embedded vs. external 03:28 4.2 MB
Embedding videos with the Flash Video Encoder 09:27 11.9 MB
Encoding external FLVs with optional cue points 04:14 4.9 MB
Playing external videos with the FLVPlayback component 04:28 6.7 MB

15. Introduction to ActionScript
Overview and interface elements 06:03 7.7 MB
Frame scripts, tracing, and comments 06:08 8.0 MB
Variable basics 03:01 3.9 MB
Function basics 04:19 5.6 MB
Buttons and EventListeners 07:59 10.6 MB
Simple navigation 16:11 25.4 MB
Scripting components 07:20 11.0 MB

16. Putting it All Together
The story so far 02:27 3.8 MB
Animated buttons 06:23 9.1 MB
Animated masks 09:54 15.3 MB
Publishing your site 05:52 8.4 MB

17. Conclusion
Additional resources 01:12 1.5 MB
Goodbye 01:51 2.4 MB


 Part 1 of 6 | Part 2 of 6 | Part 3 of 6 
 Part 4 of 6 | Part 5 of 6 | Part 6 of 6

Part 1 of 6 | Part 2 of 6 | Part 3 of 6  
Part 4 of 6 | Part 5 of 6 | Part 6 of 6


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