Unlock Hidden Partitions from *Hard Disk*

Unlock Hidden Partitions - Double your HDD Size | 52.37 MB

READER WILEY SILER has sent us a method which he said was discovered by Scott Komblue and documented by himself
which they claim can recover unused areas of the hard drive in the form of hidden partitions.

This process can cause a loss of data on the drive that is having its partitions recovered so it is best to make sure
the HDD you use is not your current working HDD that has important data.
If you do this on your everyday drive and not a new drive with just junk on it, you do so at your own risk.
It has worked completely fine with no loss before and it has also lost the data on the drive before.
Since the idea is to yield a huge storage drive, it should not matter.

Supposed Results:

Western Digital 200GB SATA
Yield after recovery: 510GB of space

IBM Deskstar 80GB EIDE
Yield after recovery: 150GB of space

Maxtor 40GB EIDE
Yield after recovery: 80GB

Seagate 20GB EIDE
Yield after recovery: 30GB

Unknown laptop 80GB HDD
Yield: 120GB




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